Channel 5 Interview | Channel 5’s Alexandra Koehn interviews Thom on enhancements and changes coming to our West Meade neighborhood and the alliances that have formed. Click and learn more.
Channel 5 Interview | "For our public high schools, I worked alongside Metro staff, government leaders, and other business leaders to establish The Academies of Nashville: a nationally recognized, project-based, experiential learning initiative. Today, 350 businesses partner with Academies in all our zoned high schools, offering students mentorships, internships, and externships." Click and learn more.
Santa’s Coming to town Saturday, Dec.10
YES, a Big Red Firetruck. Giving his reindeer the night off, Old Saint Nick is hopping on a fire engine and spreading some Holiday Magic throughout our neighborhoods.
Weather permitting, he plans to make 5 stops to sing with his elves (who DIDN'T get the night off) AND hand out“Santatized”Treats to the children—big and small :-)
In case of bad weather, please check our website for altered plans and schedules.
Mr. Claus’ Agenda for Saturday, Dec. 10
1-1:30 pm – 1st Stop: Brook Hollow Baptist
Santa will swing by Belle Meade Links. Afterward he will drive down West Meade towards Post Road.
1:45-2:15 pm – 2nd Stop: Belle Meade United Methodist Church
Afterward he will drive down Westover from Harding Academy to Parmer Park.
2:30-3 pm – 3rd Stop: Belle Meade Links / Parmer Park
Afterward he will drive down 70S, turn right on Vaughn’s Gap Road, then left on Melinda Drive to West Meade Park. We will swing through Lafayette and Lincoln.on the way to the 4th stop.
3:15 - 3:45 pm – 4th Stop: West Meade Park (turn in to the gravel parking lot).
4 pm – Final Stop: Belle Meade City Hall
A BIG thanks to Matt Lascara for the fire truck and chauffeuring Santa, AND to the choir representatives from Belle Meade United Methodist Church and Forest Hills Baptist Church—aka Santa’s Singing Elves.
Signed up for the
Holiday Lights for Hope Contest?
IT’S NOT TOO LATE. You have until Dec. 14. Break out those lights, glitter, and unleash that Holiday Spirit. Click and Register.
Holiday Lights 23 and Holiday ALERT are both sponsored by District 23 Councilman Thom Druffel.
Another way to SHINE!
Hey Neighbors, here’s another way to SHINE HOPE into someone’s life. There are MANY who are without the basics, like shelter and food. We have witnessed this in our own city. If you have been looking for a worthy mission to support, please consider the Nashville Rescue Mission. I can think of no better cause.
– Thom
Point and click the D23 Dedicated link to give.
Holiday Lights for Hope Committee
Jena Armistead
Joel DeSantis
Thom Druffel
Pat Lawson
Carole Raley
Wayne Underhill
Sarah Wray
Thomas Wright