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 The Metro Government of Nashville has created hubNashville to give constituents an easy to use one-stop-shop for all of your needs. This powerful tool contains a robust knowledge base of information about Metro Nashville, as well as easy to use forms for reporting problems or requesting service from various Metro departments and agencies. 

Metropolitan Planning Commission | The Metropolitan Planning Commission is required to adopt a general plan for the physical development of Nashville and Davidson County. The Commission is charged with approving, approving with conditions, or disapproving subdivision requests. The Planning Commission operates in an advisory role to the Metropolitan Council on zoning change requests.  

Department of Codes and Building Safety | The Metro Department of Codes and Building Safety is a public safety agency that seeks to enhance the quality of life for residents while keeping our economic engine running.

Metro Nashville Public Works | Resources include: Recycling Drop-off Sites, Curbside Recycling, Plant a Tree in the Right-of-Way, Road Closures, Brush Schedule, Residential Trash Collection Program, and more.

Metro Code Violations / Property | Thom's position and policy on this issue that is so crirtical to the wellbeing of our community. Thom's position and policy on this issue that is so crirtical to the wellbeing of our community. 

Thom Druffel's Contact Info |  |  615.767.6458 

Helpful links

Thom's Contact Info

Thom Druffel | Metro Council | District 23   |   615.767.6458

  • Thom Druffel for Metro Council Distr

Metro Council Committees that Thom serves on

Budget & Finance Committee; Rules, Confirmations & Public Elections Committee; Veteran Caucus Committee


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